PFAS Investigation at NAS Pensacola

Adanta, Inc. conducted groundwater monitoring and sampling activities at Site 4, Corry Station in February 2018, following the guidelines outlined in the January 2018 Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP). The objective of this project, initiated by the United States Navy (Navy), was to assess the presence of select polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), with a focus on perfluorinated compounds, in the groundwater at the Naval Technical Training Center (NTTC) Corry Station in Florida.

Based on a review of historical operational data at NTTC Corry Station, the Navy identified areas on-site where aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) may have been used or stored. These areas included the Former AFFF Storage (Building 517) and the current Fire Department Building 504. PFAS are components of AFFF and are known to be persistent and bioaccumulative compounds. The use of AFFF in fire suppression activities has the potential to release PFAS into the environment, impacting nearby surface water and groundwater resources. PFAS have high solubility and a strong affinity for aqueous transport, making them unlikely to volatilize or readily sorb to soil.

The primary objective of this investigation was to determine whether PFAS compounds posed a potential environmental concern in groundwater, specifically in areas associated with potential AFFF source locations and downstream areas. To achieve this objective, the SAP was modified to include sampling for PFAS at the monitoring wells near the former fire station and AFFF storage area, which were identified as potential PFAS source areas.

The Field Task Modification Request (FTMR) form was used to add and describe the supplemental groundwater sampling for PFAS at select Corry Station monitoring wells. This supplemental sampling was conducted in accordance with the approved January 2018 SAP. The FTMR form provided figures and tables detailing the locations of the supplemental sampling points near the potential source areas to determine the presence of PFAS at the site.

A total of seven monitoring wells in the vicinity of the Former AFFF Storage Area and Fire Department Building 504 were selected for additional PFAS analysis. These wells were part of the long-term monitoring program for Site 4, Corry Station, as outlined in the January 2018 Sampling and Analysis Plan.

The modifications made to the SAP included incorporating the proposed supplemental sampling locations and adding provisions for PFAS analysis from the seven selected monitoring wells at Site 4. These changes were included in Attachment 1 of the FTMR form, along with relevant figures and tables.

Adanta, Inc. successfully conducted the supplemental sampling for PFAS, providing valuable data to assess the potential environmental impact of PFAS compounds in the groundwater at Site 4, Corry Station. The project adhered to the approved SAP and ensured that all necessary modifications were made to accurately reflect the scope of work related to PFAS analysis from the select monitoring wells.

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