Adanta developed an EA which analyzes the commercial outlease of a portion of NWS Seal Beach with a private entity for the development of low- to high density mixed-used on 28.89 acres of non-excess real property located on NWS Seal Beach northeast of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and the Seal Beach Boulevard intersection in the community of Seal Beach, California.
Resource areas included land use and coastal zone management; traffic and circulation; visual resources; biological resources; utilities; noise; cultural resources; topography, geology, and soils; air quality; environmental justice and socioeconomics; and water resources.
In addition to developing the EA, Adanta’s project biological team conducted burrowing owl and small mammal surveys. Due to the potential controversy of the project, Adanta’s project manager hosted a public scoping meeting with the Navy and community of Seal Beach. We also provided a public involvement plan and developed numerous informational mailing materials to engage stakeholders and the community at large.